Litro partners with the University of Sheffield’s Confucius Institute and School of East Asian Studies for “China” flash fiction competition

To celebrate our upcoming China issue, we are holding a similarly-themed flash fiction competition with Sheffield University’s Confucius Institute and School of East Asian Studies.

The theme is “China”. Deadline: 3 October. The competition is open to all and each entrant is entitled to submit only one story of no more than 300 words to

The winner will receive £200, be published online at Litro, and have the chance to attend a short course in Chinese language at the Sheffield Confucius Institute. Runners-up will receive £100 and £50 respectively.

Confucius Institutes comprise a global network set up with the backing of the Chinese Ministry of Education to promote Chinese language and culture.


  1. Susmita Bhattacharya Susmita Bhattacharya says:

    Do you need a cover letter? Should the name and details of the writer appear with the story or on a separate sheet?

    Thank you

  2. Nicole says:

    Hi! I also was wondering when the winners will be posted for the China FF award. I know that it says they will be posted on November 13th, but I believe that date has passed. Thanks!

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