Changing Towards a Remote Education Culture

There was a time back before the internet when remote education was almost always regarded as a poor substitute for the real thing. Ever since the popularisation of high-speed internet, however, distance learning has become an increasing focus of both professional and casual education systems. This development has brought with it a new open culture of educational opportunities, the likes of which have never before been seen, that is, if you know where to look.

Going Professional

If you’re looking for a broad approach to professional level education, the modern world no longer ties you to specific borders. With the right services, it’s possible to engage with a range of hundreds of internationally recognised educational organisations from the USA, UK, Germany, Sweden, Taiwan, and many more.

To get started, users can begin with free systems for basic courses in disciplines like statistics, psychology, machine learning, and game theory. Going a step further, international online systems can offer certificates and degrees that are increasingly well accepted on professional resumes for future employment possibilities. 

A More Casual Approach

Not everyone has the time or the need for a professional level course, but this doesn’t mean there aren’t viable options out there for a wide range of useful skills. Taking a more casual approach means users are unlikely to end with a certificate or degree, but if your interest is in simply learning a skill, then such documents might be the last thing on your mind.



One of the strongest demonstrations of casual skill-based systems can be found in online language apps. If you want to learn Spanish, for example, newer online services take an entertainment-based approach that is much more palatable for stress-free skill acquisition. Combining TV binge-watching with the ability to pause and check subtitle meaning as you go means systems like this barely feel like work, an obvious advantage for many of us after an exhausting day.

Online Support Systems

Though most of the work from online education comes from the course or programs themselves, often just as important are the supporting message boards and communities that surround them. Learning is as much about understanding when you’re wrong as knowing when you’re right, and being able to freely ask questions in an open environment is much easier in the online world.

Online you don’t have to wait for groups to get together, you don’t have to waste time or money travelling, and you don’t have to worry about embarrassment if you ask a silly question. Find the right environment, and the people there can guide you through the little questions and help you paint the big picture, to learn at your own pace.


Working and learning online represent two sides of the same coin, of a world far less bound by limitations and exclusion. Finding your way in this new culture of education can not only improve your potential for employment, but it can also open up new ways of looking at the world that you never before considered. Even if just to test the waters, consider looking into the opportunities of online learning, and you could expand your horizons without even taking a single physical step.

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