Author: Elliot Harper

I’m the author of the dark science-fiction novella The City around the World published by Sinister Stoat Press, an imprint of Weasel Press, and the speculative short story collection On Time Travel and Tardiness. My short fiction has appeared in FIVE:2:ONE Magazine's #thesideshow, Maudlin House, Queen Mobs Teahouse, the Ghost City Review, Akashic Book’s #FriSciFi, Back Patio Press, Litro Magazine’s #StorySunday, Dream Noir Lit Magazine, Vagabonds: Anthology of the Mad Ones Volume 8 and Riggwelter Press. ​I currently live in Houston, Texas with my wife, Naomi, but am originally from Scarborough, England. I like to write fiction that isn’t confined by any particular genre, but lean towards the transgressive and the surreal. Find him on Twitter @e_harper_author and at his website,