Author: Brinda Charry

Brinda Charry is a novelist and short-story writer. She has published two novels : "The Hottest Day of the Year "(Penguin India, 2002 and Transworld UK, 2003) and "Naked in the Wind" ( Penguin India, 2007), as well as a collection of short-stories "First Love" (Harper Collins India, 2009). She has also published poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction in other forums. Her fiction has won prizes in the BBC Short Story Competition, Katha Prize Stories competitions, the Hindu-Picador Short Story Competition, and the Commonwealth Broadcasting Short Story Competition. Her second novel was awarded the India Plaza Golden Quill Award. Brinda is also a teacher and scholar of English Renaissance Literature and has published several academic articles and two academic books (" 'The Tempest' - Language and Writing," Bloomsbury, 2013 and "The Arden Guide to Renaissance Drama," Bloomsbury, 2017) and co-edited the essay collection "Emissaries in Early Modern Literature and Culture, 1500-170 ( Ashgate, 2009). She lives in Keene, New Hampshire, USA where she teaches both Renaissance Literature and Creative Writing.